Thursday, September 26, 2024

Some Random Views from Our Trip

      Hi everyone. I hope you're having a great week.

    While I wait for the hubby to finish his shower (we're having a lazy morning start today) I thought I'd share a few photos from our trip so far.  Today we are staying just outside of Forillon National Park  in the Gaspe Peninsula of Quebec. We'll be off to the park shortly. All today's photos come from my phone, and they are a bit limited because the photos on my camera are still on my camera (and not downloaded). None of these have been straightened out or touched up either.

      Google added my photos in reverse order, so this first photo is the view outside the doors of the cabin we are staying in for one more night.

      Here's a happy face, which makes up for our smiles since all those photos are on my camera. Here in the US we have Smokey the Bear as a park mascot, and in Canada they have Parka the Beaver.

A fun sign from where we had lunch yesterday in Perce. The bakery was fabulous. ❤❤❤❤❤

     Here's the sign from a park we visited earlier this week. This is a fossil excavation site from the Devonian, a time period known as the Age of Fish. It is from a  time pre-dinosaurs, so a lot of fish and early vertebrate history was found at this site. I worked for a university research group studying fish  during my college undergrad years, and so this place was very exciting for me.

     Here's some views from down on the beach which is where the excavations actually happen, even to this day. They had a very very exciting discovery in 2010, which I will post about another time, but they discovered the roi des poissons (king of fish).

     I love things that come out of the ground, so here's a few fossil photos from inside their museum.

Here's my husband's co-pilot as we drove north. I am sitting in the passenger seat, but Mad loves to sit with her front feet on the console.

Here's a farm view in Northern Maine (hay, even though it is just at the end of potato picking season),

and the dog water dishes at a house we stayed at.

My dinner one night was a HUGE piece of take out cake. Good thing I had a healthy late lunch. Grin.

And finally, here's a view off towards Mount Katahdin from part of our drive through northern Maine.

     So far the trip is great. We've had just a few sprinkles of rain, met some lovely people, seen some gorgeous scenery and had lots of smiles.  The dogs are exhausted by night time with all their own exploring at the end of their leash. When we can't find Pete at night, he's discovered he likes sleeping in the spare bed. I guess he missed his own big dog bed at home. Ha ha!

Have a great rest of your week. 



  1. ...Erika, you toured a fabulous neck of the woods.

  2. wow You all are having a good time. I am so happy for you and Maddie seems quite enjoy the vacation. I bet that the cake was worth all of the calories.

  3. Hi Erika, what a beautiful area you are traveling in. I love the beaver fire mascot too. I love that you could bring your dogs with you on the trip too Enjoy!! loved all the photos hugs Kathy

  4. Glad you didn't have problems with Pete and Maddie entering Canada. Very cool pics. And Pete looks so happy on the big bed. Have fun!

  5. Look at those lush, richly red berries 🍒. What are they.

  6. Gaspé is a wonderful region of Québec, scenic, with friendly people and much to see and do. Did you, or do you plan to take the ferry over to Ile Bonaventure? That is hands down my favourite place in all of Gaspé and when the colony of Northern Gannets is active it is an experience etched in memory for all time. I have done it twice and would return in a heartbeat. In fact, I might just get up a group and go back there next August. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Bon voyage - David

  7. This looks like a wonderful trip. I've never been to the Gaspe -- it's lovely. And I'm so very glad you could take the dogs with you!

  8. Dear Erika, that looks like exciting and varied days, which your dogs obviously enjoy too 🤩. I also find fossils very interesting (and the ones you show us look beautiful, like works of art!)
    I hope you continue to have a good time!

    All the best, Traude

  9. Erika, your trip so far looks wonderful. I've never been to Québec, but I certainly would love to go there one day. I love the beaver mascot! I hope your trip continues to be fantastic and that your return will be without any problems with/for the dogs - what you wrote to me about all the formalities sounded a bit complicated. Hugs - Carola


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