Monday, September 2, 2024

T Stands for an Eventful Weekend And Second on the Second

       Hi everyone. Happy Monday and happy T Day to those of you who stop by Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog  for our weekly T meetup.

     This past weekend was a busy one for me. Since it was a holiday weekend and my husband's last short summer-Friday at work,  the hubby wanted to get the swim raft out of the water at his mother's house. That meant a Friday afternoon get-together with one of his sisters and her husband. This weekend also might  have been my last swim for the year too, but we shall see how quickly everything chills down this month.

   That evening we went out for dinner with my sister-in-law and her husband at an Irish style pub. Here's my link to T day this week.  My beer is the one closest to the front, on the left, a Smithwick's Iris Red.

     Saturday we went to visit my mother-in-law. Sadly she was not having a good day, but we brought Miss Maddie into her assisted living with us. Did she bring a lot of smiles to people's faces. ❤️ 😀 And she ate up all the attention too. It was a win-win situation. I really think I need to find a place locally where I can bring her  to visit because she gets bored so easily, especially now that she can't sit and watch the world go by. Plus the smiles on people's faces really brightened my day too. 

       Sadly we got home too late to meet Dorothy from The Frog and Penguin blog and her husband at Pop's for dinner. However the hubby and I did go there for lunch today (Monday September 2) since he was off from work and I finished my final shift at the lake for the season. We shared a fisherman's platter (no new photos-sorry I forgot-). Even better we didn't need supper that night being still so full. 😏

photo off the internet

     I should also mention the  pumpkin pie we bought this past weekend on our Costco run.  When we got home I wedged it into the fridge with plans to rearrange things once I had all the perishables unloaded. Sadly the pie came crashing out of the refrigerator when my husband opened the door to put in something he carried  upstairs, and it smashed all over the floor. 😭 That was a bummer indeed. 

       I'm also joining Elizabeth for  Second on the Second  where you just repost something you've already shown. I didn't get to post earlier today as this  morning I needed to be at the boat ramp for 7, and then with my husband home for the holiday, we were busy for the afternoon.  But here's a few drink related "Anything Goes" pages from a few different Septembers. They work with  T day and also the theme of Aimeslee's Anything Goes challenge at AJJ.





That's all for me today. I hope everyone has a great T day and is having a great start to the new month.



  1. ...yes, it's pumpkin pie season at Costco.

  2. Hi Sounds like a nice long weekend-so sorry about the fallen pie-what a bummer but stuff happens. Loved the second look of your art too-hugs

  3. A smashed pumpkin pie does not sound like any fun at all! What a pity.
    Otherwise your week sounds pretty good. I hope next week is ALL GOOD.
    best, mae at

  4. Lovely artwork! So sorry about your pumpkin pie. :(

  5. The end of summertime swimming are sad times, especially if the swimming is happening at such a delightful place.

  6. A smashed pumpkin pie sounds bad enough, but it happened to me with a jar of beets that smashed and spread glass and beet juice everywhere. Cleaning up was quite a chore! All the best - David

  7. The pumpkin pies look wonderful! Tearific page is FUN!

  8. Except for the pie. A sweet weekend aloha friend

  9. Ohhhhh. A last swim sounds sad.
    Fun name for a beer, my Dad would´ve loved that, he gave me my names (Flavia is for flaming red).
    Miss Maddie did a great job! But sad you did miss the meetup.
    I wonder what a pumpkin pie might taste like? Sweet? Ingo likes pumpkins (me, nahhhh).
    Love your September pages!
    Have a happy T-Day,maybe still a summery one, hugs

  10. Oh my. I'd love one of those pumpkin pies - my favourite 😊. I guess I'll have to get me cookbook out and make one - yum! Loving your pages too! Glad you had a good time with your family. Hugs, Jo x

  11. Forgot to say ... 😊. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  12. I'm so glad it's pumpkin pie season, but sorry to read about the pie. At least you had a nice long weekend,. even if you did have to work on Labor Day and had to work at your MIL's house. At least you got to swim.

    I like the color of your beer. You certainly have given us several drinks to share today.

    I adore how you have chosen drink inspired art for your second look this month. And I always enjoy seeing inside your journals. I especially like the blah-blah-blah and the Tea riffic. Thanks for sharing both your T post and your second look with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  13. The pumpkin pie jumped to the floor because there are still 19 days left of Summer! It's not pumpkin season yet. I hope you get another swim or two in. I wish Pop's had cooperated and been open when I was there last week. Happy T Day

  14. Loved seeing all your pages... you inspired me to get busy with mine.. Its a beautiful unusually rainy two days in Texas... Hubby is sick though...uuughh... i've been spraying Lysol.. hope i can avoid it.. also means no GrandLittles this week... so they don't get sick too.. I think i would have cried if that was my pumpkin pie... Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  15. What a shame about the pumpkin pie. Here we haven't got pumpkins yet (and pumpkin pie is not available, I have to make it from scratch). But as soon ass I get a pumpkin, I shall make one. I made a spice mix which I am told is pumpkin spice, and I'm looking forward to making one.
    Your pages are great. I like the tea-rific and the Iceland pages.
    Happy T-Day,

  16. Thanks for the shoutout, Erika, and sorry we missed connecting at Pop’s this year. We did share the seafood platter and left some of the fries and slaw, but no seafood came home with us. Sorry to read about about the pie crash.

  17. It sounds like a busy weekend but a good and a productive one. Sorry about Pops, but I'm glad you got there eventually. I love that Maddie goes with you to the assisted living. That's good for everyone, I think.

  18. I'm LOLing at the BLah Blah Blah page! Too funny! Great pages all, I recognize one as an Iceland travel journal page. That's good that Miss Maddie was such a hit at assisted living and that you got to go eat out and visit so much, but bummer about the pie. Clean up must have been fun...not! XOX


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