Monday, September 16, 2024

T Stands for Last Week

      Hi everyone. Happy Monday to you. It is time once again for T over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.    

      Last week we had some gorgeous weather at my house. My roses have forgotten it is just about fall, and they are blooming beautifully again. ❤

     I also finally gave my living room a good cleaning. I've been meaning to do this since early spring. Ha ha, you can tell I don't really like to do it. It's a good thing I had started when my brother called because after chatting with him for over an hour, if I hadn't started, I wouldn't have.

     I washed the windows, washed the curtains, gave a good cleaning behind the couch (boy was that full of dog hair-YUK!), and vacuumed the cobwebs out. However it is good to have it done. 

    One evening I even made an apple pie from some of the apples the hubby and I had picked the week before. 😏 It was yummy.

     This past Saturday I got together with 2 friends from college. One drove down from Portland, Maine and the other drove up from the burbs of Boston, Massachusetts. We went into Portsmouth (New Hampshire) for a day of window shopping, lunch and then an afternoon ice cream. Here's a couple of photos I snapped on our adventure.

The beautiful little petunia plant growing in the cracks of the sidewalk. I think someone planted it there in a space between the bricks but maybe not.

This cool wreath outside of a chocolate shop had cocoa pods on it. The pods were real, but dried.

A lock fence. Isn't it Paris the home of this custom?

The gardens in Prescott Park were really lovely.

 Peeling paint and a patina door knob. 

A very nice old front door.

Apple hands at a daycare center.

And my drink today is my beer with my lunch. We ate at a place called the Clipper Tavern, called that because the owners graduated from the high school where I taught and the school mascot is the Clippers.

     The salad was delicious, the water was cold and the Clipper Pale ale was tasty and really reasonably priced. And Lyn (Spyder) asked if I'd share my teapot/cup combo, but when I went to photograph it discovered it is in the way back of my cabinet, and I didn't have a chance to dig it out. Sorry Lyn. But I will get it out to share for another T day.

   My husband is  taking some time off from work, and we're heading north into our beautiful neighboring country and province. Besides practicing my limited French,  we'll be traveling this upcoming Sunday through  October 1. Since we're driving on this trip,  I won't be around for T day for the next 2 weeks. But I do have a couple of scheduled posts for AJJ and one for TIOT  so I won't be totally off the blog. I hope to have enough down time to stop by and comment on some blogs, but time will tell if that will happen (which is why I won't be joining T day). I hope everyone has a great couple of weeks ahead, as well as a super T day.


  1. ...the salad looks like quite a meal.

  2. You made me curious about the unfortunate tradition of cluttering up bridges with “love locks” — the Pont des Arts in Paris is well-known for being in danger of damage from all the locks, which have to be removed at unnecessary expense to the city. Ultimately, it’s become a type of selfish vandalism.

    But Paris wasn’t the first. I looked it up and found “The love lock tradition reportedly dates back to a Serbian World War I romance tale, but its modern popularity can be traced to the 2006 best-selling Italian novel-turned-film Ho Voglia di Te (“I Want You”) by Federico Moccia.”

    best, mae at

  3. How fun to go to Canada. Quebec? I love Quebec. Sigh! Have a glorious time. Your garden is looking just lovely and I enjoyed all the photos!

  4. You had a very productive week, Erika. I need to deep clean and organize my living room and KITCHEN too. That apple pie looks divine.

  5. Cute petunia and amazing rose garden. I love roses very much, because by seeing them, i can feel relax....Salad is a good choice for breakfast. Greetings

  6. Ummmm, how could you take a pic of our living room?! ;-)
    Not a fan of sweets, butsometimes I like apple pie.
    Nice you could meet up with friends. Our Gauß bridge and another have those love-locks, too.
    Oh, and those hands are cute, too.
    Yum and fun story to it, too!
    Have a great trip, mon ami (my French is limited,too - but we´ll manage :-)...)
    Happy T-Day, hugs

  7. Good evening, it always feels so good after a deep cleaning. I started working on that too. Wow your roses are gorgeous!! Enjoy your vacation sounds fun. My Mom always planned a 2 week vacation traveling somewhere-we camped out and she cooked over a fire to save money. I remember we went to Canada for their world's fair-wow that was many years ago haha I remember when we went to a food store one side of the labels was English and other side French. Kathy

  8. Here people hang those silly locks on every bridge, too, and then town employees go round and cut them off....your roses are wonderful. Here it's cold, but we still have roses and wasps! Apple pie is my fave! Have a great week, hugs!

  9. Have a great time in La Belle Province de Québec. I used to live in Québec City and my daughter was born there and now lives in the bilingual capital of our country, in the Ottawa suburb of Orléans. I am glad that we are all bilingual and can switch from one language to the other with ease. We all are able to get along conversationally at a rudimentary level in at least one other language too. Amusez-vous bien. Avec mes sincères amitiés. David

  10. Your roses are absolutely stunning and your pie looks awesome. I need to do a deep clean. Perhaps, your cleaning will inspire me. Enjoy your trip North. Happy T Day

  11. Those roses! Wow! I got a kick out of the petunia. Have fun on your trip. I look forward to photos 👍

  12. Wow, your rose bushes are awesome. Bet you are glad to get that cleaning over with and nice pie. Also, that salad looks yum - is it a Cobb? Elaine from Seifeld would be so jealous, lol. Nice photos of your day trip and have fun in Canada, xoxo

  13. Are you going to Canada? Where else could you practice your French? Have a lovely trip. I'm leaving on Sunday too. I'm going to Portugal (Lisbon) and I don't speak a word of Portughese! I know that our hostess at the B&B speaks Italian. That will help.
    Your roses are gorgeous, and well done you for deep cleaning your living room.
    Your salad looks absolutely delicious. It's what I want right now. But as I'm going on holiday I'm finishing all the stuff in my fridge, so no salad for me.
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

  14. Your trip sounds wonderful, but you will be missed so I am glad you have some scheduled posts.
    Love the photos fro your day out, especially the peeling paint one. I have a thing about taking photos of doors, for some reason they attract me and the older peeling paint ones especially.
    I am sure I read somewhere that the habit of adding locks to things is now banned in some places. I think my first that I saw was in Germany.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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