Friday, March 30, 2007

Finally Friday

Not a slow week by any means, but BUSY! Between a field trip, sitting in the car repair shop one afternoon, the quarter ending at school (which means KIDS constantly trying to wrap up whatever assignments they still can, grades needing to be updated, exams to get togther), Dave working until 9 or 10 every night, Harley getting spring fever and hearing some kind of critters in the yard at like 3 a.m. and me having to get up at 4:45, Katie having mid-terms at her school and wanting me to quiz her every night...not to mention yesterday-

My lunch exploding and overcooking in the microwave, my cell phone dying, my glass of wine when I got home not tasting quite "right", Emma the cat not letting me get ready in the morning without clawing me in her attempt for attention, the school copier printing dust onto the surface of my zoology labs so the kids could wipe the lab right off the paper with their lab gloves...

Makes Fiday such an exciting day.

I will say yesterdayI was quite naughty- but that made it SOOOOO good. I stopped at Barnes and Noble's on the way home and bought 5 new magazines- (Quilting Arts, Stamper's Sampler, Inspirations, The Creating Keepsakes digital scrapbooking guide, Somerset Memories-wow- these are great reads!!!!! I have to check them out when the come out) and a couple of great craft books on altering clothing and making trims. I could have bought like 5 other books- the store was full of some awesome craft books and I used major restraint...spent enough $$$$ it would make Dave gag if he realized! I only wish they had Somerset Studio's new handbag edition (wonder if my coffee and tea bags made it in0 but I doubt it if I haven't heard anything at this point).

So now its Friday. Almost lunch- and my 2 afternoon classes are both going to be busy and not require me to stand up and lecture...then I can finish grading the 2 sets of labs I have left-

I also can go to the P.O.- my wooden stamp mounts I got on eBay have arrived and this weekend I can mount as many stamps as my sticky foam will allow- have so many unmounted stamps I rarely use this will be like getting a whole new bunch to play with...

Sounds like FRiday will bring a good weekend ahead-

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