Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Museum a month project

This is my project for 2007. It was one of those ideas that just kind of dropped out of no where into my head while at a Museum for a 1 day education workshop last month.
The project goal: I am going to try to visit a different museum each month. I would like to visit either a new museum or a new exhibit. But just getting to a museum fits the parameters I set up for myself. Can't make it too difficult or it stops being fun, right?

So far so good:

January- Harvard Museum of Natural History (new for me) ,
February- Credit Union Museum of America (who ever heard of such a place? new for me) ,
March- banner month- 3 trips:
Boston Museum of Fine Arts- Paris Fashion Week ( new exhibit) ,
New England Aquarium- just been a few years and they had a cool new jellyfish exhibit ,
Darwin Exhibit of the Boston Museum of Science (new exhibit) .

April- Should be easy- I have a field trip scheduled to the Harvard Natural History Museum on the 20th and then we're off to Ireland where I'm sure I will visit lots of museum type places.

May- Have a date with my friend Vicky to go see the Joseph Cornell exhibit at the Peabody-Essex Museum. Am so excited to see this exhibit- Joseph Cornell's work was something I had seen photos of but when I visited Chicago last spring I saw a lot of his boxes in the Institute of Art there- and WOW! And I have never been to the Peabody-Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts- which I really want to see anyhow- so it should be a doublely great day.

Then I need some new ideas. I haven't been to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston for a good 20 years- would love to go back. Also, in Wolfeboro, NH- the town just noth of where I live, is something called the Libby Museum- which has anthropoly and natural history of the region of NH where I live. There's not open in the winter off season, so that's on my summer list. There's also a dusty stuffed old museum in Dover, NH called the Woodman Institute. That could be fun. And I've never done the Freedom Trail in Boston- although I've lived in New England all my life. Have some time to come up with some new places since it's still March and April/May are already pretty full.

If you have any ideas, I would love to hear them.

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