Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Listen to the wind blow

so much for it being March 6th- coldest day of the winter- was 2 when I got home at 4:30 this afternoon. I sit here and listen to the gusts that sound like they could blow the house apart or cause a tree in the woods around the house to come down. I don't think it ever felt like it was over zero today- with the wind chill and all.

This photo is obviously not today- the trees would be flopping over and my hands would probably be frozen onto the camera, but its a cool winter sunset about a week ago- before the last snow. I have a bunch of photos on my camera that need to be downloaded onto my laptop, but I can see that's one drawbrack to me blogging- I LOVE taking photos and take way too many- but I don't sit down on a regular basis and take them off the camera.

I will download some more of my art photos in case you're really excited about what I do. I decided I need to come up with a cool name for my site, as lots of other artists have on their sites. (I love reading blogs and looking at other people's art). Need to think about some ideas for that.

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