Monday, March 5, 2007

the shock of going back to work

The shock of going back to work after a week off- UGH- wake up around 4:30 a.m. so now that its just after 7 p.m. I am tired!
Did have a good day today and felt really UP. Cold is returning though- March is a fickle month- but this Arctic cold is NOT something I am looking forward too- I don't know who would be! Hopefully with the days longer I can keep my spirits up- some years February is my hard month and sometimes its March. I think this year it was Feb.- because it took forever for it to pass- at least up until when school vacation started.
I envy those of you who live places where spring comes in February or even March. I love New Hampshire except for this seasonal inability to commit to spring. I don't like getting up at 4:45 a.m. when its really cold though- and tomorrow will be tough-both cold and the routine being really back.

A couple more art photos just for your entertainment- Picked these because a cup of warm tea would taste good now while I watch Scrubs with my 15 year old. (And maybe lull me off to sleep by 8)

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