Thursday, May 24, 2007

Getting Ready for Pirates 3

Ok, so I will admit it, I am a Johnny Depp fan. Watching Pirates 2- got to refresh my memory since I haven't seen this movie since last winter. Got to catch up so I can be really ready for number 3. If I didn't have to work tomorrow and if I wasn't so tired from our 90 degree weather (got to love it since the humidity is low), I'd go tonight to an early showing at 8. Guess Katie and I will have to go tomorrow after work/school- that is if Dave doesn't want to join us.

Was reading the reviews, not the best- but that's ok, it should be fun- and hopefully they don't try to do everything like Spider Man 3 did (Spiderman: get rid of the Sandman- especially since they changed the story of the uncle's death and that was old from movie 1- didn't need addressing in my opinion).

OK, so favorite Johnny Depp flicks-where I can actually gaze onto him-of course

My #1 Johnny Depp film: The 9th Gate

Then we will add, but not neccesarily in order since the next 3 are all pretty close to call-



Secret Window

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Sleepy Hollow

Benny and Joon

Edward Scissorhand

I know I'm missing a few that are not hopping into my head right now, but this is a good start at least. The 9th Gate is a favorite, great story, a bit gothic/a bit spooky, chance to see some of Europe in glimpses, which is topper with me right now, has books in it-which of course books are GREAT...

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