Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Today and the last few days

Today is Wednesday- waiting to see who takes the American Idol final. Jordan I hope, though Melinda was my favorite and she left last week.
So haven't mentioned I am going to work a few mornings this summer- I am going to be a Lake Host, check boats for invasive weeds. Should be an interesting way to make a few $$$ to play with, a couple of mornings a week should be enough. Feel like its a great way to help the local environment, make some cash, not kill myself with too many hours.

Speaking of summer: Countdown to vacation-16 days of kids, 1 work day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love summer. I have lots of art ideas- more bags to make, more scrapping for all those hundreds of photos I have from Ireland, Bryce and the Grand Canyon, try to come up with a stash of cards, work on a book I want to make called Bella Luna, who knows what else may come into my head. Ready for some adventure, long days, reading lots of books...some day trips...this list can go on and on. Plus, not getting up at 4:30 a.m., even on the days I do my Lake Hosting Job.
Also it obvious I haven't had much art to post lately- seems like I have been taking a hiatus for a few too many weeks. Not that I haven't done anything- been working on Ireland photos, started an Ireland scrap book, and of course my journal from the trip. Got some card ideas I want to play with, and a new cloth book idea that combines geometrics and sealife...hmmm... but hopefully once all the yard work gets squared away and once all the end of the school year work gets wrapped up, I will get some photos and start posting more.
Here's a photo from last summer when we went on our vacation in August.
I love these 2 guys in the photo above- 2 ravens, which were just sitting there on a rock wall in Bryce National Park. They were watching me, and let me take several photos of them. I feel some great Halloween ideas for art projects coming on...never mind the Bryce Canyon scrap book I someday need to do.
Ok this blog tonight is rather random and jumping about, but that's kind of where my head is at...waiting for all the blab of the first 1 hour and 50 minutes of American idol to end...responding to an email about summer work, thinking about summer...what do they call this? Spontaneous Journaling?

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