Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday ahead

Wednesday was absolute delight! High 70's, sunny, white puffy clouds. Cleaned the hottub in the morning (2 of my chores done!) and then beached it at the lake all afternoon-and it was the best lake weather...not too hot, not too cold...Love it!
Put some items up on eBay if you want to chck them out. Its that annual clean out time. Heard I'm going to be published in next month's Stamper's Sampler. I am excited. Another first for me- published 2 issues in a row in the same magazine.
Must get my cards out in the mail for this months submissions. They have a Casablanca theme. Fun.
Today we are going to Laconia to look at a car then going to see Sex and the City. I never really saw much of the show since we don't get HBO that it ran on, but hopefully it will still be enjoyable.
Thinking about my first week off. Got the stamps cleaned up and reorganized, the hottub cleaned, some of my gardens weeded, made a bunch of cards, got some stuff up on eBay, enjoyed the lake, got my haircut, been to visit Mom and had my Costco/Trader Joe's stop, throw a graduation party in-what a great start to the summer. Think tomorrow a.m. I will got to my craft store in MA (Absolutely Everything) as I have a 40% off coupon and Kate's working in the morning which means I'm home alone and can get an early start down there.
Shown below my latest 3 craft books I got off Amazon. I really like all 3 of these books. Sometimes I get craft books and they just are ok-not to sound like an expert but sometimes they aren't much new to me or not really exciting-but these I give 5 stars to. Another great way to start the summer I guess.
Also check out Artistic Outpost rubber stamps. Got an email this morning they have a new plate on fishing. Really like it too! Think I might order it-though man I have been stamp buying like crazy lately-there's a guy selling stuff from an old stor he had on eBay and I am getting these sets of older stamps that are new and great! Think more people are catching on though and competition might get a bit tighter...well, you win some and lose some on eBay, don't you? But that is the fun too.

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