Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Ok, funny story. Our wonderful mail woman has been putting packages (all my eBay stamps) into the truck so I won't have to drive to the PO, so last night after coming home from my mom's I checked the truck since there was no mail in box, and the mail was in the truck...but it took a garbage bag to hold it all. Did Katie and I laugh. There were 2 boxes from Amazon with my latest 2 craft books and then a box with some Hero Arts Summer stamps I had pre-ordered. Plus the Monday mail which is always a bit more...I felt like Santa lugging it upstairs over my shoulder.
Had a nice visit with Mom-though it RAINED big time down in Mass. Today it was gorgeous pefect 76 degrees until we went up to Barbara's to enjoy the afternoon at the lake, and a cold storm blew through with the wind and white caps and some light rain. No sun. So much for trying to enjoy a bit of summer beach...

My latest read-pictured above.

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