Monday, January 12, 2009

Blah, blah, blah

That's me today. Couldn't get super motivated at work, though I managed. Came home and had a cranky child...tonight, I'm about as motivated as as if I was sound asleep. Watching a recorded episode of Ghost Hunters- I am sooooo into these Ghost shows right now-why? So I made Katie her chips and cheese for dinner- but wasn't much what I wanted but that's ok because that's what a mom does. Still hungry though. Dave's away for the night in N. Adams, MA for tonight I'll be sharing the bed with either a 90 pound dog or a 20 pound cat...and its cold, I'm tired...glad I'm going away in 6 weeks...winter is really getting to me. Anyhow, its Monday night which could be why I'm so beat.
(Oh yeah, my mother-in-laws party was fantastic and went really well and yesterday it snowed and so I cleaned and finished the holiday scrapbook...paying for it today being so beat!)

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