Friday, January 9, 2009


OK, I am a geek. Don't always like myself for that either. I came from very BORING families...too white bread...and I don't want to be like them but I am. I'm not a big party girl. I'm not a big goth or unusual person. I'm a homebody and I like to be home ALTHOUGH I love to go here and there as you who read this know. I don't have nor want a tattoo. I'm hurt when people say I'm domestic. I don't want to be this-I want to be this exciting interesting person people rememebr and want to talk to. I don't fall into either of those catorories. So why this chatter? I am reading this book. Its interesting- I love the photos and the blog style reading is cool. Some sections are more interesting than others, but its eyecatching and making me feel like the homebody I am is ok. (Yes, Friday night and I'm drinking red zinger tea and in about 3 layers of fleece including my bathrobe...its cold dammit, and waiting for another of my latest obsession on tv Ghost hunting shows to come on the travel channel at 9. If I wasn't such a geek I'd be out dancing and drinking and partying with the rest of the world, right?)

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