Tuesday, August 11, 2009

An amazing experience

Today President Obama had a town hall meeting at the high school where I work (Portsmouth, NH). Our principal got us tickets, and so I went. Though I have never been to an event like this before, it was a wild experience. Outside there were protesters and supporters on either side of the street and media trucks all lined up in front of our school. My friend Joanne and I got there early but we didn't have to wait in line since school folks could wait in our own line inside and we got to go through security first and therefore had our pick of seats-I was in the second row!!!!! (We were all like a bunch of kids, so excited) The President is such a dynamic speaker and so good with a crowd. It was amazing! Plus, now I know more about this healthcare debate going on, or least what he's really saying as I heard it from his mouth, and what he says is so absolutely not what the protesters are saying (that he is saying). Wow. Still can't believe I was so close to one of the most powerful people in the world- our president!
Took these photos on my phone.

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