Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Making Tiles

My latest read-#4 in the series. These books are fun sumemr reading-the only problem is I need to read something else because I'd keep reading these.

Paul Bunyan and his big blue ox Babe. A Tacky but fun tourist spot. The funniest part is someone sat in Paul with a microphone and talked to those of us gazing up in parking lot. Pretty silly. Now they were selling tickets for these trees of mystery- riding to the canopy of the redwood is what that is, but we only walked over to see these classic Americana kitz. These are in northern CA.
Today was a polymer tile making day. Made a bunch this morning, and since I am alone tonight (Dave out of town for work and Katie off to a movie)-think I might make some more.(I did) Get a big stash going. The only issue is I have to pull everything out and downstairs where I work- since I have more work space, and then it all has to go back upstairs...but its so much fun I can deal with the lugging up and down.
So now found out I have the day to myself tomorrow. So weird, knew this time was coming, but Katie is having a teenage summer of hanging out and going out with friends. It the fact she's going to be a senior and its that time when it happens. But tonight, its only moi, and the critters, and since the boys (my entourage) hang out with me, I'm not excatly alone. I don't mind being alone, but have had a lot of time with it in the last few weeks and its adjusting. So what will I do tomorrow when she's gone all day? Not that finding things to do is hard for me, I'm good at amusing myself.
Well think I'll go make a few more tiles and then I'll watch a movie (or it is Ghost Hunters night) and relax. (First do a bit of decluttering-this house is looking pretty sloopy right now) Oh yeah- that sounds good.

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