Saturday, August 15, 2009

Roadtrip Friday

Katie and I planned an end of summer vacation road trip-off to do some fun girl things before summer ends. So yesterday we went to the New England Aquarium in Boston, a favorite place for both of us. It was a gorgeous day in the city, sunny, warm but not hot, wow. Except that the parking garage at the aquarium is soooooo expensive, we had a great trip into the city.

This guy above here is the cuttlefish- a Cephalopod related to the octopus and squid. I love these little guys. First they have fantastic camoflage-look how much he blends in with the sand, and they also flash these lights through their skin when they want to stun their prey. He wasn't too flashy yesterday, but the last time I went on a school field trip last fall, he was.
And here's my beautiful baby girl.

Gotta love the jellyfish. I ish I had a big tank in my bedroom to watch them as I fall asleep at night.

Can you find the sea dragon in the photo below?

Love this photo! Love these jellyfish here below.

Ok, after the aquarium we left Boston and drove to the Burlington Mall in Burlington, MA to have lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and to check otu the mall. Here's my piece of pineapple upsidecake cheesecake. YUMMY!

And Katie enjoyed her peanutbutter chocolate cheesecake.+

How do you pick when this is the cheesecake counter window?

So after that we hit my newly found stamp store, Trader Joe's, Costco, got home I was beat!
Today was gorgeous too getting really warm. Went up to the lake and cooled off in the water along with all my in-laws. Now I'm home in my cool AC house- turned that on before we left. Tomorrow is supposed to be more of the same, maybe even warmer. Gotta love summer-just wish it lasted longer.

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