Thursday, August 13, 2009


Ok, I still have lots of summer vacation photos to share. After a brief intermission, let me show you these few from Lava Beds National Monument in Northern California near Oregon. It was very desert like there, but the cool thing is they have these caves which formed from tube left from lava flows. Here's a caving sign I saw.
Entrance to one of the caves, this one I believe was Skull cave, which was deep-though not long, with an ice floor. The caves were nice and cool compared to the heat of the sun outside, and we only did easy caves, because they had higher ceilings and weren't so clastriphobic. The harder caves, we were told, had more uneven bottoms and you might even have to crawl in parts, so we stuck with easy. However, some easy caves had pretty rough floors and we did have to do some ducking in spots. Still, they were very fun.

Above and below this-Two photos of some wildflowers I discovered at Lava Beds.

Below-Our morning sky. I went up to Merrymeeting Lake, where Katie is Lake Hosting this summer. (Lake Hosts check boats for weeds to be sure invasive species don't get introduced to the lake). I love this lake; its about 10 or so minutes from our house here in NH. I wish I could live on the lake, but I'm not in that earnings bracket. Anyhow, I went to MacDonald's and got us breakfast sandwhiches (I know, not nutritious) and drove over to the lake and we ate in the car-her trying to warm up. Had a nice visit with my daughter for about an hour. I lake hosted the last 2 summers a morning a week and I really miss it. It was a great way to make some play cash and sit by the lake, but on these cloudy morning it could get get cold. Too cold.
Anyhow, today I ached all over (actually did last night when I finished round 2 of tile making) and had a headache. Must be a little bug, maybe picked it up at the town hall healthcare meeting Tuesday. Puttered about the house, and started rearranging my studio shelves as part of my long term cleaning and reorganizing effort. That's where I get stuck, how to organize my ever bulging stuff into limited space. Hmmm. Need to get some more plastic bins from Walmart, stopped today and bought a couple but need a few more. Right now I have some bins of trim on the top shelves, but being only 5 feet, stuff on the top items don't get very used and I want to move them lower, but still need space to keep my very used rubber stamps lower. Well, one decision I did make was to move the Christmas stamps up top because (as I used to have them) they can just come down when I use them. Oh to be able to throw things away, then I could really clean out, but this summer with the economy its not the most profitable to sell things on eBay so why sell some things for a lot less than they'd bring when the economy is good. But organizing is a dilemma, it doesn't come naturally to me that's for sure. So what to move to the top, what to keep, and how to reorganize. Any ideas? (Of course the room was neat enough to vaccuum earlier today and now its a disaster, of course. Why does cleaning usually mean its not clean while you clean?

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