Sunday, September 27, 2009

All kinds of things

My Mom, her engagement photo-circa 1956 (I believe). Getting ready for my Mom's birthday party next Sunday- she'll be 80 in October and even though we are celebrating a bit early- SHHHHHH!- its a surprise. I know she doesn't read my blog (or so I hope she hasn't discovered it and gets wind of her celebration) because I can tell you how devious and sneaky I've had to be to get names from her and to get her to this party since she's been invited to her neighbors 90th birthday open house on the same day-and surprise-she actually wants to go to this open house. Won't she be surprised when we go out to lunch and it isn't just lunch.
So raining this morning- not that I love rain but something is great about rainy Sundays. No rush morning, putter about, this morning having some rich hot coco from Trader Joe's. Can't wait to work in my studio today since yesterday I did the usual morning cleaning (plus cleaned the hot tub so it'll be good to go all winter when its hard to clean) and ran errands in the afternoon. Also tonight starts the new season of the Amaing Race which I love and want to record the new PBS series on the National Parks because I love National Parks as you can probably tell from my summer trip blog entries. Also made some yummy chicken soup yesterday in between everything else, and its the perfect day to have it for lunch. YUMMY. Now if only Sunday could be longer than just Sunday-so I could play even longer and not have to go to work tomorrow and get through another very busy week.

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