Monday, September 28, 2009


A few mosaics I made with an antique Celtic feel.
Figured it was time to post some art since I keep posting other items, and since the main point of this blog is to post art...well you get what I mean.
Tonight's been very busy-as my whole day has been-non-stop GO-GO-GO. I want to finish the Lost Symbol,,,I have around 100 pages left, but I'm worried once I read I'll fall asleep because although I'm not tired, its been one of those days that when you relax, you collaspe.
But back to work-another busy week in the docket coming up, for me, for all of us here at home. Dave's off to a conference mid-week- Katie has her homecoming game and dance the first part of the weekend- we have Mom's party and I have to make a poster with old photos of her-hopefully tomorrow night since Thursday night is my open house at school so late night for me...should I add all the other details or do you get the point? BUSY? Yes. Oh, whale watch field trip Wednesday I can't wait! Hopefully then will have some great photos to post.

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