Monday, October 12, 2009

Crisp Monday Holiday

2 of my cuties- Harley above and Leo below.

Got to love these long weekends. Although I didn't make as many Halloween tags today as I planned- or at least not so far into today, I spoke with my old college roomate for a long time and got my paint for tiny chest of drawers project (though next weekend I should plan on painting it) and much for a wild and crazy weekend but I had a great low key weekend. And that was really ok with me...still so many things I could have done but that's ok too. As I said before- I am in this stay home domestic kind of place right now-my mode when days get cooler and shorter...but you just have to go with it and find peace with it and be happy with it because its what you for me its fun to get back into cooking and knitting and wearing my Happy Columbus Day to all of you. (And to Mom-happy 80th and to my nephew Josh- happy 17th.)

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