Sunday, October 11, 2009

so much for weekend potential

Here's my backyard yesterday morning. Fall is really here-and I really like this view.
These pretty chrysanthenums are on my deck...they look beautiful

And will this be the last rose of summer in my garden? I think this photo is stunning with the dew drops on the petals. Need to crop it.

So this weekend's potential scale...
More like weekend lounger...reading my book...eating (oh the squash lasagna was A+++++)...doing some scrapping...morning walks in the crisp air....taking a nap. This is day 2 of my domestic diva mode, though today is definately more domestic put your feet up day....really want to get some yarn to do some knitting and first get my scarf finish...oh, but yes, that's what long weekends can be for...catch up a bit before the next week starts rolling along. Glad I have tomorrow off, maybe get a few things done or maybe relax or maybe even go out far- this weekend is A+

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