Saturday, October 10, 2009

Domestic Diva Potential

Here's an old photo I came across today. Traveling into the evening- the full potential ahead. The future is a bit fuzzy, but, still, you want to get there. I hope you do at least.
So today-in the weekend and no set plans. Today was domestic day at home, except for a trip to the grocery store-but that's still pretty domestic. Walked this morning, was warm but still a bit unsettled out. Started reading Definately Dead, book 6 of the Sookie Stackhouse novels because I've been dieing to read more of this series and decided to put all the other books I'm reading aside and trying to read the whole book this weekend. Lets see if that happens. Scrapped some today, cleaned a bit, put away my real summery clothes and took out some winter pants for work, so I can rinse them and be ready when I need to since this weekend is a kind of changeover for us usually. Not that it will be bitter cold, but you get past the sandel wearing season mostly. And if it chills down and I need to go to work, I need to be ready. Its cooling down tonight, I even had a fake log a blazing in my fireplace-first of the season and its great. Made Pastistico (is that spelled right?) for dinner-waiting for people to get home since I've mostly been alone all day. Also made a butternut squash lasagna which is baking and I'll eat during the week since no one else will eat squash here. Spent 90 minutes cooking in the kitchen this evening-what a domestic diva I can be. Never made this lasagna before-its good mozzerella cheese and amaretto cookie crumble for flavoring the squash. Let you know if I like it.
Anyhow- still a lot of weekend potential left...let's see what it brings.

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