Saturday, January 9, 2010

Back to Stripping Wallpaper

Here's a few more travel pages from my Paris book-February 2009. Above is the photo of the time table at the Gard du Nord train station where we caught the Eurostar back to London. Top page is Katie and Dave on the train- and maybe I have posted that page before. Can't remember.
Taking a wallpaper stripping break-sore arm from this...not sure what else is on the day's docket but I have a list on my weekend agenda- vaccuum the crumbs, sand, animal hair, etc. up from the floors, start working on the college Fasfa (maybe that's it) form for financial aid, make a rainbow cake that I found the recipe for online last night (check this out- it looks so fun!- On the whisk kid blogpost. Besides go putter in the studio, maybe see Avatar (which I really want to see), and probably about 30 other items. Never mind, strip more wallpaper-luckily we're almost done and then the bathroom can progress-this seems to be a hold up point right now.
So also read a blog where the writer was coming up with a list of 50 things to do before they turned 40. Well, 40 has come and gone, but 50 looms less than 2 months away, and I want a realistic list-because I love list making but what good is a list if its not going to happen. Need to think about that and maybe will repost later today if I come up with anything.
Anyhow as I babble randomly about nothing, happy Saturday.

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