Friday, January 8, 2010

What's nice about Friday

(Inside and Outside of Notre Dame, Paris, February 2009)
1. Shutting off the alarm in the morning since you don't need to use it for a couple of days.
2. Taking a field trip and the weather holding out-The Aquarium was awesome-as it always is- and though it was a cold walk- it was fun to hit Fanneul Hall too.
3. Coming home and putting on pj's at 4:30 since its getting dark and light snow is falling and its really cold.
4. Taking a longish afternoon nap. Oh yeah.
5. Reading more of the book when Traveller's Cease to Roam before that nap.
Friday is good. This is especially a good feeling in January when you're in major hibernation mode.
Happy Friday all!

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