Sunday, January 31, 2010

Its so bright and sunny and COLD

So here's some more pages from my Paris journal that deal with the Eiffel Tower. Am enjoying my book about its building and the Paris World's Fair of 1889. My pages are straight finished but I love them...they're journal pages so they can be "rough". That's what I like though, it makes them look less like their machine printed...and isn't that what art is really about. I know, I'm still in a very self critical stage...I think its good to go through that every now and again so it makes you move forward...BUT you have to be careful not to get bogged down and stuck in it.
So yesterday got a few things on my weekend list done...the financial aid form, the house is cleaner (not neccesarily clean), laundry got a big dent, Dave and I went out shopping for the bathroom and came home with nothing but a few leads, new thoughts. Kind of frustrating but I know deep down it takes time to get the right things...and then I have to comprimise with Dave- which is a good thing, but we have slightly different ideas about what to have- I win some, I lose some, but that's how it should work. It was fun going out with him for the whole afternoon- together as a team we do still get along very well which is a great thing too.
And the mirror just went that is progress. Maybe I'll get to paint later today-but I must go into the studio today-I need it badly right now. (And not to work on this card for my cousin which is annoying me right now- need a new frame of view before I finish that). Right now I am finally watching last Thursday's Project Runway- love that show!
I ordered a couple of new books on Amazon last night- The Happiness Project and the Empires of Light. The first book looks like a great read about a woman's plan to try to be more happy in a year (Something I would do) and the Empires of Light is by Jill Jonnes (who wrote the Eiffel Tower book I am reading now) and its about Edison and Tessler and electricity- (ok, my geek reading). I also found all these new stamps I desire- some from Cornish Heritage Farms, there's a new cat one from Crafty Secrets, Tim Holtz and Wendy Vecchi have some awesome stamps and Crafty Individuals/Magenta have some stamps I'm needing too. Too bad I don't have lots of stamp cash right now, but I am going to Barcelona (can't WAIT). Stamps won't go anywhere that quickly...Thinking to of getting a FLIP for my trip...wanted to look yesterday but didn't get there...think I would actually use a little camera like that and get some fun video...its one of those items you can really play with......and I love to play. 

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