Monday, February 1, 2010

Oh Its Monday

Today just floated by rather uneventfully. No signs to point me anywhere other than the usual. I suppose it was better than a day with bad things, but it was a day. I was tired but my new classes seem to be going really well so far and I got some work done at school. Tonight I'm tired, feel like reading some more and I did take a nap after work. No energy for the studio, but yesterday I worked up there almost all day and got about 90% of a new book project started and was fabulous just to play and I love my project. Once I get pictures I'll post them, yet I will tell you its a food/love themed book for the upcoming holiday of love. Not too heartsy, but more like a guide to make a man love you-through their stomach perhaps? Not being serious there but tonight is for relaxing and getting back into the swing of the workweek.

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