Saturday, January 2, 2010

Still snowing

There's a huge storm off the Maritimes of Canada and its swirling its way back towards us through the Gulf of Maine. No one can say how much snow we will get-12-18inches, 6-12 inches, 8-12 inches, but since Thursday snow as been coming down, not accumulating much on the last 2 days but today its suppose to come down and build up. So you look out to see more snow falling but its not piling up too fast-can we really be destined to get that much? So here's a couple of cards I made earlier this week using Penney Torrente stamps (by Stampotique). My wish and my reality I guess you could say.

Anyhow, took the tree down, picked up my studio some-trying to curb the clutter but still there's a small compressor in my livingroom and tools, but the bathroom ceiling is almost finished and will be today. I know we won't get as much done as we hoped, but isn't that construction? Its gonna look A++++++++ though!

Here's another card I made this week. Its a bit busy but I like it. The snow queen (Cherry Pie) is not really my type of stamp but she looks great here and I will have to use her a bit more. She was part of the winter sheet I bought from Cherry Pie a year or 2 ago and finally decided to stamp her. I made her for my niece's card but ended up going more basic with the skiers and more like her brother's card, so she went onto a fun winter card that someone else will get to enjoy.
So I found it helpful last year to post my latest reads- help me figure out how much I read and what I read-(I counted around 28 fiction/nonfiction novel type books-would have guessed it was more but I didn't count other books) and am going to do the same this year. Yesterday I finished the Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver, which I very much enjoyed (but took me a month to get through-not that it was hard reading but with the holidays I wasn't always reading as much as I like), and now I am reading book 7 of the Sookie Stackhouse True Blood series, so here it is, my first new book for 2010.

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