Sunday, January 3, 2010


Can you guess what I am wishing for? No snowing flying now. Still a bit cloudy and maybe a band or two coming through before the snow is over. But tomorrow is suppose to be nice- and its back to work. The hardest morning to get up- dark, cold and after a week and a half of sleeping a bit later than 5 a.m....but I will do it. Its been so ncie hanging out this week...seeing my bathroom progress (new ceiling is up!- next weekend we put the vanity in and paint), playing in my studio a lot, getting the house back in order-well as much as possible with the bathroom pulled apart.
I'm being my own worse enemy right now- have talked myself into believing I'm not very artistic and my work isn't very good. Why do we do this to ourselves at times? I'm sure its not just me. I guess I was hoping for a little more encouragement- like winning a contest I entered or being asked to be a design team member. I know, play your violin. I just need to say it because once you do you feel better-or at least I do. I can't discuss it with my husband because (and its very true) he'll just say I'm being too hard on myself. Yes, that is exactly it, and I must admit, I don't have a lot of time to constantly make cards for this and that, AND, I have my own style, not so layered with pre-bought paper- not as well polished as some of these cards that looks practically machine made. Card styles have changed a bit recently since a few years back. OK, sorry to burden on you but it is helping me. And I do like these 2 cards a lot. Anyhow- I have this crazy idea of being more than just a hobby crafter... which is in my mind as I need to believe more in me. And, now that I am pulling up the bootstraps a bit, maybe cards are not my thing. I do beautiful sewing, great though journalistic scrapping and my polymer clay tiles are A++. I'm a great photographer and I knit great too...and I have so much in my life...
Why is it we wish for what we think we want and forget what we have? (I think its a control factor. I can't control whether I win someone else's contest or if some company picks me to design for them. ) So, now that I am a bit better in the self pity mode...thanks for listening. I do appreciate it.
Which version of the cards above do you prefer?

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