Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday post 2

Never did strip any wallpaper today- after I shovelled the deck my arm was killing me again- think I have a pinched nerve someplace. (Will have to work on my wallpaper after work this week- MUST DO IT-MUST!!! so I can paint my sunshine yellow next weekend). Instead I scrapped and napped and watched some more snow fall down. Made a pot roast too-yummy, yummy. Anyhow, thought I'd post a few pages from my Paris scrapbook that I am still working on. The top one uses the new tea cup stamp I bought last Tuesday at Ink About It. Like this page because it says something important in our memories from the trip. Love using the big scrapbook stamp from Cornish heritage Farms too, though its chopped in half and I ike how it works. The other 2 pages are from Notre Dame in Paris. The bottom one uses another Penney Torrente stamp I bought from Stamp Diva back in December- its caleld Queen of the World and I had been looking for that stamp for a bit and then she had it. My pages are not as ornate as some, and they're more journalistic than some, but I love them- oh and by the by- I am feeling so much more positive after unloading this morning. I have to do my art my way-with my spirit, whether others like it or not I can't worry. Now to keep that in to stay true to me. That is the most important thing too.

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