Friday, February 5, 2010


Yes, I am painting my bathroom- waiting for it to dry so I can go give it a second coat. Not sure I will quite finish- but will get to about 97% completion. Very very happy about that...and since its taken me several days to find the ambition to do that- its even better. Katie also found out today she got into Clarkson University- which is exciting for her, and she will be named world traveller in the yearbook (you know that section where they name the tallest, the shortest, the best dressed, etc.) I am so happy for her, she's had a banner day.
So I love this scrapbook page from my Paris journal. I took the photo inside of Sennelier art store in Paris where I bought some adult crayons-oil pastels which are just fantastic. The background for this page is a Judi-kins stamp of artist signatures which is very very cool and then I have this paint brush stamp by Stampa Rosa which I stamped and cut out. Its a simple but very effective page I think, and since I am busy painting my bathroom- which is an art in itself...this is the page of the day. TGIF!

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