Thursday, February 4, 2010

Travel planning

2 weeks until we leave!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited!!!
Travel planning is moving into full swing. Have my books and maps-some of these I bought and some of these a friend from work who just went to Barcelona over the holidays lent me-yesterday I got a whole big bag from her and I've been reading and researching. Right now we are planning on about 3 days righy in Barcelona and then renting a car and driving up to France for a couple of days, with a few planned stops on the way like the Dali museum in Figueres (maybe I spelled that correct). I know we won't get too far into France but I'm hoping to go to Carcasonne (and did I even get close with this word?) because I love looking at ancient castles and World Heritage sites. They say that trip is only 2 1/2 hours up the highway from Barcelona so I think its very do-able.
So in just 2 weeks, our plane will be taking off right around now and maybe we'll even be in the for an adventure and to a place where the temps have been in the 50's this week (I've been monitoring the temperature there) which is WAY better than here in NH where we've been lucky to hit 34 degrees by mid-afternoon and some mornings going to work its been in the single digits. This is our last family vacation most likely before Katie leaves for college and it is how I am going to celebrate turning 50 which happens a week after we get home.
Can you tell I can't wait to go?

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