Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday morning

I got up early today-6 a.m., just because I don't want to get into the late sleeping mode since tomorrow I have to go back to school/work. Still on that 6 hour ahead time mode, so should keep it that way. They are saying another storm tonight into tomorrow morning- and they say the coast is still out a lot of power as is a lot of the state (like over 100,000 people here in NH)- we are soooo lucky we got ours back as quick as we did.
So having a bit of blues this morning and trying to override it in my brain. First of all, I am turning 50 this week which is pretty scary and the thoughts that my 40's are over-where did they go to? Plus being over 50 puts me closer to really being old. Though I don't think 50 is old...and I have a very young soul, but still...guess its one of those things in life I can't escape whether  I like it or not. I am going to work on my French-my goal- since I did very well this time in France communicating- and my French isn't great and could be better I think.
Also bummed because my uncle's kindeys have failed and its not looking good (not to be selfish, but will I spent my birthday at a funeral?) and found out my sister-in-laws breast cancer had spread again to her sternum- that one really is depressing....Its sad about my uncle but I think he is ready to move on- he's a very religous man and I believe that he wants to meet Jesus and go to heaven more than just about anything. My sister-in-law though- she is young with 2 teenagers...Thank God I have been so blessed and lucky, and I hope she is as blessed and can keep going. I feel really bad for my brother and his kids too, what a thing to deal with...But this is enough to drop my spirits a bit as you can see, so I am thankful for what I have....
Anyhow-wrapping this up so I can go in my studio and forget the bad news... here's some more trip photos- that cheers me up emensely!!!
Windows in Avignon, France!
(Yes, I can now say I have been in Provence- since we did cross the Rhone River)

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