Monday, March 1, 2010

Back to reality

Monday morning arrived and reality slapped me in the face. Back to work, not a bad day though...but it means vacation is officially over and -ugh- one day closer to turning 50. Even got my letter from AARP today-grrr- I mean, I am not an old person and one day or two days is not going to make me any different. Right? Age is just a number and you can be however old or young you want to be at any age...and no, I don't want to be 20 or even 30...I will say my forties were very good.... and I expect my 50s to be good too. Ok, I am letting this age get to me- and its not that I am old or feel old or even look that old for my age, but to think that in 25 years (which is nothing time wise, it will fly) I will be 75...the fact that I am closer to be retired...that is what's so bothering to me...anyhow- got to let this birthday age go.
Anyhow, new topic time...more pictures from our the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona- this is a fantastic sturcture and I am going back in 20 years when it is finally finished.
From the park across the street, the western facade that represents the death of Christ.

Some of the fantastic sculpture on the facade of this cathedral. This pictures haven't yet been touched and cropped and since I was shooting up onto the building from down below, I could only get so zoomed in.

One of the front entrances. Very cool door.

Inside of the unfinished cathedral.

Unfinished stained glass windows.

The glasswork is absolutely fantastic.

The back or eastern facade which represents Christ's birth.

More details on this side.
This was a top sight we saw and very moving to me, plus seeing how it was constructed and being built inside was fascinating.

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