Monday, March 29, 2010

April Showers come a few days early

Since its  a wet , raw and darkish day, you need something warm and cheery, right? Here's the title page to a book I made back around Valentine's Day using Basic Grey paper and stickers and lots of stamps. I called it Kiss the Cook, because although about cooking its suppose to have a love/Valentine's day theme to it.

Here's the opening page spread and then a close up of the BIG tea cup.

Not much else new in the NH woods so far today- besides going to work and getting mostly caught up on that grading that I got behind on. Really am thinking of a nap but am going to up to my studio for a bit instead...better for my brain.
Will show more pictures from my kiss the cook book another day, its suppose to be gray, wet and blah right through Wednesday according to the weather-
though I must say-
I have crocus in bloom and since I actually got to rake early this year I can see them and they are saying around 70 degrees and sunny for the weekend coming up...won't that make it a great Easter weekend?

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