Sunday, March 28, 2010


I have absolutely NO photos to show you since Dave flew us on home- though it still took all day to get here from Potsdam, NY. What a cute little village and a pretty farming area, though its rural and far far away from here in eastern NH. On the way there we went through the Islands on Lake Champlain and passed along route 11 where we saw some cool things like an Amish horse and buggy and also out joke, a plane on a stick.

We visited Clarkson University which looks like a great school, not sure Katie will pick it since its far away from home, but I think it would be a great school for her. We also visited University of Vermont which she loved (me too). We're going  back to UVM in 3 weeks for another visit so Katie can decide...but we won't go back to Clarkson unless she decides to attend.
Anyhow...another weekend bites the dust...I'm beat...can't believe its time for another work week already.

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