Tuesday, March 16, 2010


In honor of St. Patrick's Day tomorrow---this handsome guy above...
Spring arrived today...gorgeous out there! Blue skies, almost 60 degrees, I got home and sat outside a bit... started reading a new light fast read book, since I haven't been reading too much lately---seems like I'm so busy I haven't had much studio time or book time...
I've read a Year in Provence also by Peter Mayle which I very much enjoyed...something I can buzz through and smile....
I am also reading this book, it was last weeks book club book and it is very well written but I haven't made it through it...I'm not much into serious literature right now...life is so hectic...more college visits coming up, family things...the funeral for my uncle is Thursday....I need to go to a workshop at the local community college on Friday...my kiln arrived today (saved up for 2 years for this) and I need to set this up and I need to put my new craft table together this weekend too... always something...
And since I am reading a book about Provence, here's a photo not from Provence but from the south of France, some vineyards with the Pyrenees in the background...
Au revoir

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