Thursday, March 18, 2010

Back Home

above:Not a great photo and I need to crop it-but doves in a tree
above:Statue on the west facade
above: more of the west facade's art
Back home after a mini-trip- was a good trip but not for the best reasons, I went to my uncle's funeral today down in Massachusetts, was a beautiful rememberance of him and I got to see my cousins and my other uncle...those were good things, plus I went last night and spent it with my mom, had a really really good visit with her... and the day today was as beautiful and great as yesterday was...still...sad that they are all getting so old...but now I am home and going to get back into the groove of the routine.
Did I mention the snow is just about gone from my backyard? Of course, we've had 2 days in the 60's so the small leftover piles are disappearing!!!!!!!!!YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So my photos today are back at the Sagrada Familia- in memory of my uncle and due to the fact I spent some time in church today, and since this piece of architecture was quite moving to the spirit.

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