Friday, March 19, 2010

Not quite spring...yet

Less than 24 hours until spring officially starts but another gorgeous day in the first day of gardening...mostly raking out leaves so my crocus can come up and I can see them...but this is  almost a holiday for me as I love to garden. Been waiting all winter for this to come!!!
And when its beautiful, you think of parks. Here's sunset at Park Guell in Barcelona. You can see the Mediterranean out blue...

Cool Gaudi buidling at this park. Gaudi is just fantastic, I must say!

Tile on the outside of a pavillion. The sunset photos are taken from the roof of this pavillion, and you can see people up there!

And here's Dave with the sign into the park.
Not a great photo, but you can see people on the top of the pavillion. This guy-whoever he is-in the cap is an interesting photo...I cropped this photo down to him...something about the beard and the cap... back a couple of weeks is all the tile snaps I took in this park.
Anyhow, Katie heard from Clarkson today she got a big amount on $$$$$$$$. We like that. Next weekend we're off to visit that school and University of Vermont. Then we can see.

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