Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A really nice day

Spring. It was here today! And I love how it is 5:40 and we are still not dark. In the morning today, I only used my daytime running lights, not headlights. It is wonderful. But I won't breathe too big a sigh of relief since it is March- which comes in like a lion and then leaves like a lamb. These gorgeous colored flowers, or should I say "les fleurs", were taken in Avignon, France while we walked around last week. Wow- has it been a week already? But they are so spring and a bit of fabulous color to the mud here in New Hampshire...(though who cares as it was forties and blue sky today).
Here's a few other snaps I took in Avignon as we walked around. Travel posters in a window-
Point shoes in a dance store (with our shadows in the window)
and a wonderful afternoon snack- finally got to try these fabulous macaroons which I so wanted to do in Paris and NEVER seemed to see any (that was a surprise).These were tres bien!!!

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