Sunday, April 11, 2010

Another busy day

Was a successful weekend-though a busy one. Yesterday we went to UNH for the day and today dave and I went to Woburn, MA for his cousin's 50th birthday party. Was fun, but of course the day flew and now its Sunday night. Another work week looms but not too much going on this week which means I can come home after work-which I love to do- and have some home the studio, reading, working outside if the day is nice...taking a nap...whatever my mood or energy level puts me. I really want to finish reading Eclipse in the Twilight set...I've had a hard time getting through these books, though right now I am enjoying it...of course I started this book last fall and its been sitting on my nightstand half read...not sure what it is that stalls me with these books, certainly not the reading level, but might be I don't find Edward all that tempting of a "man". Anyhow
Above is one of my babies, little Emma, Emmie or as I call her Pie-Pie, don't know why I call her that name, but its her.

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