Saturday, April 10, 2010

UNH visit day

So today was admitted student day at UNH and we went and were quite impressed. Now Katie's got the hard decision of where to go- Clarkson or UNH? We've eliminated 2 of her choices because of the cost or the academic style of the school and since she got waitlisted at 2 schools and we can't count on those...she'll need to think and decide. Luckily she still has a bit of time to think and decide.Ugh- what a decision though.
Its cooled off here- more in the normal range...but the sun is back out today and its getting so green...which is fantastic. So today, I'm back to vacation shots from least the top 2 from the Spanish Village and the lower photo is from Figueres.Since I'm so ready for a vacation and a trip again.

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