Thursday, April 1, 2010


What a fantastic day- the sun is shining, the sky is blue (wow-after all that rain) and now its almost 70 degrees-with another great day on tap for tomorrow. Off to go read a bit on the deck in the sun-still can't get into Eclipse- though I am working on it, but also started my latest French/travel book:

Lately I haven't been into fiction-just can't get focused-must be all of this college things which my life seems to be totally immersed with lately. Even now, my brain keeps going to that since we got our last financial aid package today and its not what Kate will want to hear...poor kid, she works so hard at school and has done so well and because we do ok financially (but we're certainly not rich- I am a teacher and that's not a big money making profession) she gets hardly anything for these sooooo expensive colleges. Just waiting for the big moment when it comes down to decision time and I expect some argueing and some in New England are just sooooo expensive.
Anyhow, card I made last week up at the top, a bit distressed, but I really am happy the way it came out.

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