Friday, April 2, 2010

More Beautiful Weather

Its is a beautiful day-and a Friday! Got to love that. I will admit been a bit bummed because Katie's frustrated with her college choices...she wanted to go to UVM but we didn't get the money we hoped to get. Poor kid- I feel bad since she's worked soooo hard through high school. Of course some of it is her own fault...I wanted to take her to so many other schools last summer but she didn't want to she might have found some other school (maybe cheaper ones)...but that's not really a big issue...what's the issue is that she's not totally happy with her choices and she got waitlisted at her top choice.  Poor kid. Its hard to say things happen for the best when she has her heart set on some things....breaks my mom heart soooo much!
Anyhow, going to go sit outside and get some sun (geek me-make my vitamin D) and then go fill this old wooden cassette holder I've been eyeing in one of my co-workers room-I don't want to put cassettes in it but it will hold my ink pads great- and my co-worker surprised me by leaving it on my desk today since she didn't need it.(I told her I'd take it if she ever wanted to throw it out). Got to love Fridays!
C'est le weekend.

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