Monday, April 19, 2010

Making Soup

Feeling domestic and have a bunch of recipes I am dying to try out, so tonight I am making Julia Child's French Onion soup. Haven't had French onion soup in forvever, and am looking forward to see how it comes out since I have never made it before. Been fun to pull out some cooking equipment that I haven't used much in the last month or so. (And some things, like my food processer, I haven't used much since winter).According to Julia Child, the trick to good onion soup is the slow and long cooking of the onions, which is what I'm up to right now. Am blogging between stirs.
So here's a few more Paris journal pages- A famous fountain- though shut off in Feb when we were there- and of course right this second I can't think of the name of it...

Anyhow, still no name, must be all the onions in my nasal cavity right now, but its at the Pompidou Center, and I want to call it the St. Egeltine fountain but that is NOT even in the ballpark (where the heck did that come from?) and its not the Clemenceau fountain either...oh yes, right on the middle page, The Stravinsky Fountain.
Just added my stock and tasted the soup- yummy. Now I want to eat!!!!! Needs to simemr about 30 minutes and then whenever Dave makes it home...wish it would be now...will broil the bread and cheese on it...oh delicious.

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