Sunday, April 18, 2010

Crafty girls

So yesterday Katie and I both spent the afternoon playing with crafts. It was fun since we were both in the same room and could caht while we worked. Above, I made a bunch of bronze and copper clay pieces which you can see here drying on my counter. Think the copper is ready to fire today, which if I get ambitous I will do, got to watch my termpature though because the last copper firing I did-the only actually- I went  abit too hot for my kiln- good thing I found out quickly my kiln heats up a bit on the hot side.
Here's some other pieces I have recently fired and need to do something with. There's some silver at the bottom, towards the middle right is my over cooked copper and then some bronze in the back, fired with some charcoal and some fired with coconut-it makes such a big difference.
And this is the quilt Katie's making with all my spare fabric (so much for my stash)! Love it though- the colors are great. She's still making squares and then she'll need to put it all together.
And here's Mr. I Love to be IN the MIDDLE of Evereything. Of course. That's Leo.
So its another grey day here in New Hampshire- I need to grade some labs and probably do some paper arts, or watch tv and was GREAT having a 3 day weekend to get back into the groove and away from the work stress, and its only 5 more days of work until our April vacation which I must say I am excited for even though I have no big plans- and wish I did- but glad I don't have tickets to fly to Europe with all the cancellations due to the volcano erupting in Iceland and sending plumes of particles into Europe. It would be a bummer to have to cancel a long planend trip, that's for sure.
And starting to think about next Feb./March vacation trip though- it willbe just Dave and I but I have 3 ideas since my birthday for once will fall over our late winter break-of course you know me, I'm always looking for a cheap flight...(my 3 ideas: London to visit the Victoria and Albert Museum on my birthday since I have always wanted to do that-maybe go to Stonehedge or someplace else outside of the city for a few days first, or fly to Miami and drive to the keys or go to Vegas and spend my birthday in Death Valley) Lets see what else I can brew up befor then since its still 10 months away. And lets see if I have any money and can pay off my credit cards bills by then- a major goal since I still haven't paid off most of my last trip.

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