Saturday, April 3, 2010

Signs that spring is actually here

Not sure I can believe that-since here in New England we can get a big snow storm in April-though that is rare since mostly April is snow free...but here's my 4 signs- 1:warm weather (again today), 2:green grass, 3: tree frogs chirping at night (got to love it!!!) and 4:this morning I heard my phoebe (got to love that too). So yes, its spring. Even wore shorts out on my early morning walk-that's a wow for April 3 in New Hampshire. This year even Lake Winneepeesaukee (I still can't spell that even though I've lived near by this lake for 23 years now) had ice out early-earliest on record- back right around the first day of spring. And mud season was about 3 or 4 days in EARLY March. My kind of spring. (In my mind, March 1 should automatically change over to spring weather.But that never happens here.)
I am so excited about spring! Here's a cool tag I made to celebrate the season (and Easter too) just a week or 2 ago.
Today I have lots of plans- am firing some more clay, do a bit of raking, play in my studio, clean the hot tub...Katie's going out again tonight so I think dave is taking me out to dinner. That's good.

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