Monday, April 26, 2010

Vacation Monday

Not to rub it in or anything- but this is one of my 2 days that I am home by myself-love this right now. And its way nicer this morning than I expected- I thought we would have clouds  but we have some sun-actually a lot of sun, and I just took a fantastic walk. Needing to decide if I feel ambitous enough to start cleaning my closet- or clean the whole thing- its my bedroom closet so its only clothes/shoes- need to do the seasonal change over and since I've been digging out spring clothes for a few weeks the closet is a mess- but only a clothes mess, not like the spare room closet which is an everything mess. Or, since its only Monday, I could go play with some crafts....hmmm... anyhow, the day should be fun- meeting my friend Vicky for lunch at noon and then since Katie will be home and then back out and no one will really be around until like 7 or 8 tonight I am going to go visit my favorite craft store down in northern MA. Bad, bad me, but hey, its my vacation and its Monday.

So here's some cards I made Saturday afternoon- they all shar the bird background. I got this some time ago on eBay and never used it, Its an old Stampers Anonymous which musr be discontinued since I don't see it on their site now. Anyhow, it has an oceany theme sine I think their terns and seagulls. Anyhow, all 3 cards are very different and I'm not sure I LOVE any of them, but I like them all- I added a few waves to this by the sea one and it looks better (waves are along the bottom of the light blue)-probably like the top one the best-since I love B Line stamps and the 2 people with the binoculars is my newest stamp of that line. the glar on the faces is because I used some shiny plastic over the faces to really make the porthole seem real.
So last night I finished the Sookie book #8-(Love those books) and started reading this book, which is a sequal to a book called Driving Over Lemons- living in Spain, and then when I went on Amazon to get this photo to post I found out there is a third book in the series, which I got from a used bookseller- which is exciting, and I found out that this Christ Stewart is the former Genesis drummer, and I loved Genesis when I was younger- well I still do now actually- and that song Abacab gets in my head...assuming he was with the band then...oh my, now I'm sounding old and daft. Which I am not, neither of those things. But, so far, am enjoying this book a lot like I did the first one.

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