Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Vacation Tuesday!

Another quiet morning at home- oh I love it! Its cloudy today but rain hasn't started yet, so I got a another walk in and now I'm being lazy with a cup of tea and my computer. I'm off to have my hair done this afternoon- refresh my highlight and get a trim...and Katie is off to visit her cousin at UNH so she can check into the dorm situation and then she's staying for dinner. Think she's going to follow me there since she doesn't quite know where to go- she can get to UNH but not the right parking spot.
So yesterday I did go to Absolutely Everything after a great 2+ hour lunch with my friend and didn't buy tons, but they had some Darkroom Door stamps I liked- though I think they're very pricey for unmounted stamps, but got the following 2-

They were cheaper than buying them online and I did have a $20 coupon so basically I got one set really cheap and and 1 set for the store price. OK, my splurge. I also got some Viva Inka metallic paste-
I've seen these on-line and have wanted to try them- a woman at the store (Thanks Claudia) showed me how they work and they look as great in eprson as they did on-line. It was a tough call because they are not cheap either, and I wanted gold, but then should I get silver or copper since I could only afford 2. Went with the silver, but hopefully can get the copper sometime soon. Can't wait to try them out.
So yesterday I did clean my closet- feels good to get those nasty little chores done, and today- although not feeling very ambitous- think I will take down my livingroom curtains and wash out the dust- they are white and I think a cleaning will not only freshen them up and but the house feel cleaner. One chore a day and I am getting lots crossed off my list- which means I accomplished something. Will have time tonight to bake some parmesian potatoes au gratin which I made on Christmas day and they were soooooo good...but they take forever to bake so its a good day to make them. Especially since they're saying rain later. And my friend yesterday had a great suggestion about reteaching and refreshing myself in French, put on some French films and turn off the sub-titles...I actually own a couple (Amelie-oh what afantastic movie that is) and think I will do that later when I go to rehang my curtains.
Not sure today if I sound like a 1950's housewife or an artist or just some flippy woman on vacation.
No answer needed on that.
And I will end this by showing you a few more Paris journal pages...am quite pleased with these, especially this first one.
So my day went unexpectantly different from how I saw it at 9 this morning- as I was cleaning around my windows my mother-in-law called and asked me to join her and my sister-in-law shopping-so I went- ready to be bombared with something- but it was nice- and finally got to eat at the Thai restaurant in Rochester which was really really good...never did the rest of the shopping with them as I had my hair appointment but so much for art or chilling in front of the tv. Still, spontaneous is good!

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