Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Vacation Wednesday

More Paris Journal! Our Thursday  vacation day in Paris (last Feb-2009)was a day of highest and lowest!
These 2 pages above here work together- the great face on Katie-though probably more because she was annoyed with me, and then the bones underneath.
Entrance to the Catacombs in Paris.
So today is lazy morning. Woke up early, read and thenw ent back to bed until 9. EEKS. But its cloudy and grey and last night we even had some snow flurries. SNOW is a 4 letter bad word right now.
Not sure what's on the agenda right today...want to try some brown butter cookies (what's all the fuss about?), want to make some silver clay jewelry so it can dry and get fired this weekend, want to scrap, should do another chore on my list...WHO knows what the day will bring. Just want to have a LOW key day.

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