Saturday, April 17, 2010

Waking up to more white ground AND today I talk about books!

Yes, more snow, not much, but enough to make it all white. Don't want to post any more photos of snow. Want to go out and bark mulch or take the plastic off my screen porch but not in this weather. Seems like its turned back to some light rain now, which is good. Plus its a great day to play with bronze and copper clay which is my plan.
So yesterday I did finish reading Eclispe in the Twilight trilogy. Been reading it off and on for months. Not into those books the way a lot of people are and I've figured out  why- Bella is too passive for me- but guess she is a typical teenage girl, and Edward to too protective...but also guess a teenage girl might like that. But me, at 50, well I'm at different place now in my life. Started book 8 in the Sookie Stackhouse series: From Dead to Worse, and I love those books! I'm also reading a historical non-fiction book about building the Brooklyn Bridge by David McCullough- I love reading his books since he narrarates (that spelling looks really wrong) the American Story and PBS so when I read his books I hear him reading to me...which is really cool I think.
Yesterday at Costco I bought a couple more armchair traveller books- I had 2 of these already and though not the best armchair travel books ever printed- they're really fun to look at and dream and get ideas. Plus, for $10-12, you can get a bunch and not break the bank like so many other travel books with colored photos...anyhow, yesterday I got the journeys and the islands- and I really like the Island one, and I already had the cities and the natural wonder one. Starting to plan my wish trips- well, adding them to my already SUPER LONG wish list of trips...I guess must accept that unless I suddenly come into a very large amount of cash by something like the lottery or some relative I don't even know I have leaves me big bucks...or maybe I suddenly sell major amounts of artwork and get money that way, I'll never be able to do my whole wish list, but isn't that part of dreaming...wishing...and the beauty of life is that you just never you?

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